Newest Feature: Sharnay ( MidLands )
I’m a little 21 year old part time model. From the West Midlands,England. I started off shooting lingerie and implied nude when i turned 18. Once i started gaining more experience i than changed to sensual erotic, nude, and art based modelling! This was due to personal interests and enjoyment. But also because I wanted to separate myself from other models and do a style not all are brave enough to try! I feel like theirs a very thin line between models and social media models. So making sure my style wasn’t like everyone elses meant them lines will never get crossed.
2 . I have officially been in this industry for 5 years. Starting at 17 i shot for a clothing line, then got scouted for a London agency not long after that. But due to still being in education i had to stop and re discover my path once i turned 18.
3. I have always been interested in modelling for ann summers! Thats where my main interest came from. Then 3 years ago i met a photographer that goes by the name of Only4thebrave. He truly gave me the inspiration and knowledge i needed to carry out my career in modelling. He showed me that i could make it on my own, without having an agency or an expensive portfolio to do what i wanted. He showed me ways to could get my work out there and what direction i should be heading towards according to the style I choose.
4. Social media and society definitely has a negative impact on the industry. Society has polluted people minds to become so narratives at times! There isn’t a size or weight that isn’t put down or spoken negative about!
I see size 16+ girls, lying about there weight. Saying there two sized bigger than they are because “ thick chicks” is the new trend. I see skinny girls, trying to make there self slimmer to fit the criteria to become a super model. I see size 10-12 girls, depressed and confused because there not sure if they belong in the trends or fit in societies eyes! When all it is, is a trend and faze off social media!
People perception on modelling is also a negative on the industry! From my experience I noticed that. People see you as a certain type of model/person according to the style you shoot.
For example if you shoot nudes then is hard to get scouted or taken serious when it comes to applying for a fashion shoot. Because all they see you as is a nude model.
Most positive thing i see in the industry is that everyone is supporting each other’s moves and idea’s. Its a very competitive industry, but its good to have people in your industry that understand that and don’t take it on as a personal issue.
Theres so much love on social media such as Instagram; i see other models, sharing other models work. Photographers collaborating and even artists are getting in the mix. It’s becoming very diverse on so many levels! Especially in the west midlands, photographer and models are working together, trying new things and showing so much respect at the same time. It not about how many photographers have worked with the model and finding a “ fresh face” it’s about working together to better eachother and to have some kold work that comes out of it.
Im half Jamaican and half Italian!
I definitely feel like more thicker girls are getting the lime light with opportunity atm. Its a social media trend to have thick thighs and a booty. But because everyone is influenced my the media then thats what’s being looked for as the next “ fresh/new face” to shoot! I feel like people insecurities have put a massive line down models and plus size models! Cant we just love our own bodies and allow others to love theres without pointing out differences!?Small,tall,thick,slim, bones or rolls. Its all sexy to the people out there, what isn’t sexy is labelling a small model as skinny and a bigger model as fat! Let concur together but not divide each other!
I think the sexiest part of my body is my legs slim legs or natural plump lips. Definitely a hard choose. I tend to embrace and love what was once my insecurities!
I could be here all day with my sexual fantasies. They’re mainly based on being the submissive one and having a dominate partner that i can fulfilling there sexy desires. I get turned on by knowing that im doing something that you love and will results in you being pleasured to the max
In 5 years i see my self being published in more paper based magazines. Hopefully would of grown and gained a loyal fan base and be traveling to different countries doing studio days and events!
Domnul.motanescu is my favourite photographer at the moment. He shoots erotic and sensual black and white photography and has so crazy shooting styles!
I definitely think this industry is over saturated, i feel like its way too easy to call yourself a model now! This is why i have a pet hate for society and social media! I’ve tried to make my self stand out by now shooting the styles you see everyday. Styles of modelling that isn’t got small minded or the faint hearted! It’s different and iknow not every girl has it in them to shoot. Or even have the look to pull it off. I also shoot my own self portrait, this definitely sets me apart from the rest because i truly believe that. A good model not only knows how to pose in-front of the camera but also knows how to work one.
What turns me on about a man is good lips,personality, straight teeth and a man that knows what he wants in the bedroom. Not onto what he wants but understand a girls bedroom needs, need to be met before his needs are.
Im actually not too great at balancing my personal life with my business life. One will always out balance the other at some point!
To book me its best to message me on Instagram: and I’ll discuss shooting on there or forward my whatsapp details on.
Goals i want to accomplish in 2019 is a loyal fan base, travel to another city and do a week/weekend of shooting. To also be an influencer for a clothing brand and to be offered a bio- monthly section on a magazine. Where i can put my work i’ve created and blog about things i’ve come across on the media
I have been published before on pretty little gems jewellery line website. In fuzz magazine and also cultartes and model citizen blog
I prefer to let the kitty breathe but if i’m out in public then it’s definitely thongs and panties over boyshorts